Healthy Catholic Marriages have frequent dates!
Research shows, married couples who regularly date, are less likely to consider divorce, more likely to have more romance and report better sex lives, communicate better, and enjoy marriage more! So we have decided to challenge you to AT LEAST one date a month! Need some ideas? Keep reading!

January’s Catholic Date Idea: Dedicate 2025 to God with your Spouse!
Have you come up with goals for 2025 yet? If you have, good for you! I did not start anything on Jan 1st. We are recovering from the holidays, it's the dead of winter, it’s hard to put any energy into new habits when I feel like I just want to cuddle in bed and stay warm.
Luckily, the success of a New Year’s resolution has less to do with starting on January first, and more to do with choosing any significant day and starting small, building on habits slowly.
That’s why January's Catholic Date Idea is the perfect month to spend time with your spouse and dedicate the upcoming year to the Lord and His will for your lives. This post was written as a family activity to talk about goals for the upcoming year, but could work very well as a date night activity too!
If you have a younger family and the kids can't read or write yet, this blog post can be a great activity you and your spouse can do together over a bottle of wine or a cup of hot cocoa at home or after dessert at your favorite restaurant, making it the perfect January Date Night!
If you have older kids, I pray you do this activity as a family. It would still be helpful to meet as a couple to discuss Body Mind and Soul goals for the upcoming year.
Open with Monthly Check In Questions
Whatever you decide to do, try and discuss the following things as ice breakers at dinner, at home after kids fall asleep, during a walk, in the car after you’ve grabbed hot cocoa, or in front of the fireplace with a bottle of wine or a cup of tea!
Think of your favorite memory of last year (2024). Each of you share your fave memory with one another.
What do you think God desires from us in the new year? What about as a family?
Have you felt loved by me over this last month? Why or why not?
What can I do to love you better? (See another month's challenge about Love Languages!)
Do you have any prayer intentions I could pray for over the next month?
What has been your favorite memory or thing that happened over the last month?
What was the worst thing?
What is one thing you are looking forward to in the coming month?
Before the date ends, be sure to schedule your next date night together!
We pray you fall deeper in love with your spouse this month and enjoy this intentional time together!
Want more Catholic Prayers for Marriage?
Wondering How to pray with your spouse? Check out this eBook, How to Create a Prayer Routine as Husband and Wife to help you and your spouse either refresh your current prayer life or to jump start a customized prayer routine together!
How to Pray for Your Marriage using the Luminous Mysteries : this free eBook download is great for husband and wife to reflect on the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary and how they relate to Marriage, guiding you to pray for your marriage as you pray them!
We challenge you to a date each month with our date night challenge! Looking for a date night in? Check out the Catholic Family Movie Night discussion prompts for the movie Groundhog Day!