As a Catholic, wife, mom of 6, homeschool teacher, sister, and friend-I feel my heart and my mental load and my energy are pulled in many directions all the time.
And I am limited; there are only so many “care units” I have. I’m defining “care units” as the ability to enter in, think about, and invest time into.
Because God created us with a finite number of care units, we can’t successfully care about all the things. He has only given us enough care units to accomplish the things he calls us to.
One of the reasons we burnout and feel so limited is because we are investing our “care units” into the wrong things. A wise investment doesn’t just take from us, it takes and pays back even more.
Friends, we need to invest our care units into the areas of our lives God calls us to so we can a) listen to God first b)make noticeable progress in an area c) feel energized, rested, and confident in who we are and what we are doing with our lives.
So how do we move forward? First, invest your care units into prayer. ESPECIALLY when you don’t want to. Prayer is the secret sauce to living your best life, because our best life is the one God calls us to. So prayer is our opportunity to ask the Lord each morning, “God, where do I invest my care units today?” Listen, read scripture, pray your rosary, go to Mass, surrendering your plan for the day and opening your hands and heart to the will of God.
All those prayer opportunities will pay dividends of grace. You will invest your ordinary care units like the couple’s water at Cana, and through prayer and offering our ordinary, let God, often through Mary’s intercession, transform it into extraordinary care units. You may find more time and more energy available to you through the day.
The next area is your marriage. That should be your first priority, after prayer that is. All of Feb, Jump In Catholic Ministry’s theme and area of focus is a happy and holy marriage.
We will create free resources, date night challenges, and even a couple’s prayer workbook download for $5!
For the next few weeks, I’ll be praying for you. I’ll pray God takes your fish and loaves care units and multiplies them to feed all the areas in your life.
Here’s to jumping in the river of the Holy Spirit, head first into some prayer!