They made me think of you, sweet mama. I know sometimes raising kids takes so much of us, we feel there’s a part of us that disappears. That so much of our best is hidden, spent on our families behind closed doors.
But the readings today, oh how they reminded me that those who really matter see. The woman of Proverbs 31, described as value beyond pearls, an unfailing gift. One of the best parts of being mom is the gift we can be to our husbands. “Her husband, entrusting his heart to her,” reminds me of my soul’s sacred duty, as Edith Stein writes, “as a shelter in which other souls may unfold.” My husband sees me.
The Psalm, “Blessed are those who fear the Lord” remind me of the mission of family life-that following God’s will for our lives is always better. I didn’t plan on 6 kids specifically, but it’s even better than I could have imagined. The Psalm continues, “Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine in the recesses of your home; Your children like olive plants around your table.” Being open to life and embracing the gifts of children have indeed blessed and adorned our home. My husband and my love created life (8 times!). My children see me.
The gospel, the parable of the talents, remind me of the enormous gifts God has given to us. Moms are needed by husbands, by kids, by careers, by parishes, and greater communities. As Edith stein writes, “The world doesn't need what women have. The world needs what women are.”
God has literally given us talents to be shared and invested, yet so often it’s in passing along our gifts to our children hidden away in our homes. Think about the dividends our Lord (and the world) receive from sharing our talents with our children. I share with them my talent of loving people, it’s returned 6-fold.
I feel this Gospel reading is a way God can see us hidden away moms. A way he can enter into our tired hearts and say, “'Well done, my good and faithful servant. Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities. Come, share your master's joy.'”
Sisters, take some time today, read the readings and be reminded of how loved and seen you are by those who really matter. Then share in your master’s joy!
