As much as I hate the cold, I do love Januaries. Not for the weather and the subzero temps of course, but because it’s a month we start asking questions about ourselves, our families, and whether we are doing the right things. We think about ways we can grow in holiness, things we can cut out that may be distractions, etc.
Our children will come across all sorts of media eventually and it is vital that we teach them to look for the good, true, and beautiful of the world!
Each month, we at Jump In Catholic Family Ministry write up a discussion guide for a secular movie that illustrates Catholic themes. It's a great way to build Catholic Family Identity, have fun together, and teach our kids how to look for the good, true and beautiful in everyday life!
I wanted the Catholic Family Movie Night this month to help us reflect on a very important question: Where are we going?
Many Catholic parents ask themselves, “Are we doing the right things to help our children grow in holiness and get to heaven?”
Like any good goal (like getting to heaven) we must start with the final destination, an end point to shoot for and direct our steps. We need to discuss with our children the goal of family life and of life in general which is to know, love, and serve God in this life so we can be with him in the next life in heaven.
Heaven is our home, our end goal, our final destination, the place we are made for. There is something inside all of us that desires heaven all through our life here on earth..

January’s Catholic Family Movie Night: Homeward Bound
To illustrate this point, watch the movie, Homeward Bound together.
Before the movie starts, tell your kids: “We are going to watch a cute movie about two dogs and a cat who are separated from their owners, their best friends. The whole movie is about their journey home. I want us to remember that like these pets, we are all on a journey home as well. Our creator lives in heaven. Jesus, Mary, and all the saints are rooting for us to journey together toward our heavenly home.
Our journey toward heaven can sometimes be filled with adventure, scary sights, danger, friendship, facing your fears, working together with others and the most important thing: perseverance, which means not giving up.”
Then play the movie (available for free on Disney Plus)
STOP THE MOVIE At 1:15:00:
Say: “Before we watch the ending scene here, I want us to imagine coming home to heaven with Jesus, Mary and all the saints even more happy to see us than that family is to see their pets!”
After the Movie:
Ask: What did you think of the movie?
There were a couple of moments of the movie I wanted to point out that are good teaching moments.
The first one was when Sassy the cat fell down the waterfall and everyone thought she didn’t make it. Who saved her? (Kind old man)
Yes, a kind old man finds her and nurses her back to life, he restores her. This is an important illustration of what the Sacraments are for us. We will fall on our journey, but when we do, God our father desires to restore us and make us well and put us back on our path toward heaven.
The second moment was toward the end of the movie when Shadow gets stuck in the pit, he is tempted to give up, but Chance doesn’t let him. Living a life for God gives us the most peace and joy and happiness we could have, but it demands a lot of sacrifice. Sometimes we get discouraged and tired. But notice how Chance encourages Shadow and tells him not to give up. Chance climbs down to help Shadow. This is what it means to accompany someone on their journey toward heaven. This is a lesson for our family that we are ALL trying to get to heaven together. If one of us gets tired or distracted, it’s our job to help one another to get back to the path toward Jesus.
How could our family accompany one another?
Encourage one another and build each other up (1 Thess 5:11). This looks like:
Rooting for each other’s success in school, work, homelife, etc.
Complimenting virtue when we see it
Not tearing one another down or making fun of each other.
Be patient and forgive each other (Col 3:13). This looks like:
When we mess up, ask for forgiveness.
If someone hurts you and says sorry, forgive them.
Bring one another to confession when we need healing.
Be patient with one another and don’t rush each other.
What are some other behaviors of helping one another get to heaven?
The third moment was at the end of the movie. Chance said that it was the faith of Shadow that got them through the journey. I want to tell each of you that I have faith we can all get to heaven. I have faith that we, as a family, can help one another through the challenges of life. Anytime you need help praying or growing in virtue, come to us, we will help you. Let’s end today in prayer because prayer is our way of receiving God’s help:
Dear Jesus, thank you for the gift of this family. Thank you for our united goal to get to heaven. Thank you for the faith it takes to journey there. Send us your Holy Spirit to guide us when we feel lost, to send us courage when we feel scared, to give us peace when we feel anxious, and to show us your presence when we feel alone. We ask all these things through the intercession of Mary as we pray, HAIL MARY… Amen.